Hi there, friend. Here’s TJS7, the long-awaited premiere of Season 2.
For best viewing quality, click full screen and then click the little square icon to view at actual size.
I want to thank the Rockmelon Soda community, who has hung around here all throughout the terribly long time it’s taken to finish this episode. You can join that awesome community if you’d like. We mainly hang out in the Rockmelon Forums, the forum for people who don’t like forums.
I hope you enjoy this episode. If you like it, you can help support future episodes of TJS over at our Patreon page.
The Journalism Show: Episode 06 from Topher Cantler on Vimeo.
I’m especially pleased to present this episode, as it’s the season finale. It’s also the first one to be available in HD, as all future episodes will also be. (You’ll have to view it on Vimeo to see it that way, though. Sorry.)
This marks the end of TJS Season 1, and it’s the Katamari episode. Couple of things:
1. If you’ve got some kind of photosensitive Epilepsy, you may want to rock some meds, or skip this one. There are a lot of very blinky things happening. Sorry. :(
2. If you’ve got an iOS device, Vimeo has recently released an app, so you can watch TJS on your phone or iPad if you want. It’s pretty neat. It also affords me the opportunity to stop bothering with Youtube, which is something I’m seriously considering, because Youtube sucks.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. You can click the image above or hit the Episodes page to watch it.
Most of all,thanks for watching TJS!! I won’t be taking too much time off between seasons — just enough to tidy up some things around the shop here and freshen up some character packs. TJS Season 2 will start in the Fall, and the Beedogs will be back, with new and improved visuals.
Episode discussion, like everything else around here, is in the Rockmelon Soda forums.

Episode 05 is a tribute to Street Fighter, and features a guest appearance by Capcom’s own Seth Killian. Click the screenshot above to watch it on the Episodes page. I hope you like it.
Please excuse the shitty audio. Somewhere along the line certain parts came through quieter than others, because Flash sucks at everything. That was as good as I could get it without redoing the whole thing. (it’s also off by a frame, but let’s pretend not to notice, ne?)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Sorry it took so long. <3
And as always, episode discussion and all the good stuff is happening in the forums.